
Haptoglobin is an alpha2-glycoprotein synthesised by the liver parenchyma. Its role is to irreversibly bind free haemoglobin in the blood, in order to preserve iron and prevent any potential damage to renal tubules which may occur further to the excretion of haemoglobin. Haptoglobin also has a role in controlling the local inflammation process. The haptoglobin-haemoglobin … Continued


The orosomucoïd was one of the first glycoproteins to be isolated in human plasma. It contains a large number of carbohydrate moieties, giving it a very negative charge and high solubility in water. Many biological functions have been proposed for the orosomucoïd, but its true physiological role still remains uncertain today. The orosomucoïd is able … Continued

Alpha1-glycoprotein acid

The alpha1-glycoprotein acid was one of the first glycoproteins to be isolated in human plasma. It contains a large number of carbohydrate moieties, giving it a very negative charge and high solubility in water. Many biological functions have been proposed for the alpha-1-glycoprotein acid, but its true physiological role still remains uncertain today. The alpha1-glycoprotein … Continued


Ferritin is a protein synthesised by the liver, and is the main element of the iron reserve. In fact, this protein includes a core of iron (II), which can be used for the formation of haemoglobin, for example. Despite the low serum ferritin concentration, this latter reflects the cellular concentration of ferritin quite accurately. A … Continued

Cystatin C

Cystatin C is a low molecular weight protein (13.3 kD) continuously produced by all nucleated cells. Its production is not affected by gender, muscle mass or the patient’s diet. The low molecular weight and the net positive charge of cystatin C allow it to be freely filtered by the renal glomerulus. It is mostly reabsorbed … Continued


C-reactive protein (CRP) is an α1-globulin predominantly synthesized by hepatocytes. It consists of five identical non-glycosylated polypeptide subunits, linked together non-covalently, forming a protein of about 115 kDa. It is composed of few or no carbohydrates. C-reactive protein is an important non-specific defence against inflammation, especially against infections. It is one of the most sensitive … Continued

CRP Gold Latex

C-reactive protein (CRP) is an α1-globulin predominantly synthesized by hepatocytes. It consists of five identical non-glycosylated polypeptide subunits, linked together non-covalently, forming a protein of about 115 kDa. It is composed of few or no carbohydrates. C-reactive protein is an important non-specific defence against inflammation, especially against infections. It is one of the most sensitive … Continued


Ceruloplasmin is predominantly synthesized by the cells of the liver parenchyma. This protein is an α2-globulin containing approximately 95% of the copper present in the serum. Each ceruloplasmin molecule contains between six and eight copper atoms. That is why it has long been thought that ceruloplasmin only served to transport this ion. However, it has … Continued

Complement C4

Complement C4 is a protein with a molecular mass of 206 kDa. The synthesis of complement C4 takes place mostly in the hepatic parenchyma, but a part is synthesised by monocytes or other tissues. Complement C4 is the enzyme of activation of complement C3 and C5. The complement C4 concentration can increase slightly following an … Continued

Complement C3

The plasma complement C3 is synthesised mostly by the hepatic parenchyma, but bacterial endotoxins also induce a synthesis of complement C3 by monocytes and fibroblasts. This protein interacts in complex ways with antibody-antigen complexes, with one and the other in an independent manner, but with cell membranes also, so as to help the destruction of … Continued