Clinical Specialities
Cardiovascular diseases cause 400 deaths per day, they are the first cause of death in women and in the over 65s and the second cause of death in men (French Federation of Cardiology).

Gastroenterology is the medical specialty involved in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases of the entire digestive system, metabolism and nutrition. Depending on the pathology, various biomarkers of gastrointestinal inflammation can be measured to aid diagnosis. Diseases of the digestive system affect one in five people in France and are the main reason for admission to hospital.

Numerous conditions fall within the scope of hematology and hemostasis. These conditions have various causes (congenital or acquired). A deficient hemostasis is generally the consequence of thrombocytopenia (insufficient platelets), a deficiency in various coagulation factors or an abnormality of the blood vessels.

Immunology includes the study of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases as well as monoclonal gammopathies and allergic diseases. It is estimated today that 5 to 8% of the world's population is affected by an autoimmune disease. It is the 3rd leading cause of morbidity in developed countries. According to WHO statistics, allergies are the 4th most common chronic disease in the world after cancer, AIDS and cardiovascular diseases.

The inflammatory reaction is part of the defense mechanisms of natural immunity. This immunity is based on natural barriers and the establishment of an early inflammatory reaction to any aggression, whatever the cause (physical, chemical, infectious, tumoral, etc. ....).

Nephrology is the medical specialty that aims to prevent, diagnose and treat kidney diseases that affect blood filtration, the primary function of the kidneys.
Diagnosis can be aided by the quantification of specific proteins in biological fluids such as serum or urine. These biomarker assays make it possible to verify the proper functioning of kidney filtration.

Neurological diseases now affect up to one billion people worldwide. The increase in life expectancy and the ageing of the population are leading to an increase in disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and dementia, the diagnosis and monitoring of which are a real challenge for public health.

A real public health issue, protein-energy malnutrition affects between 5 and 10% of people over 65 years of age at home and 20% to 70% of people in institutions, the population most directly concerned by malnutrition, which is sometimes life-threatening and requires specific treatment. Malnutrition is responsible for the increase in morbidity and mortality and the lengthening of hospital stays: Incidence of nosocomial infections x4

As pediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with pathologies from infancy to post-adolescence, the challenge of pediatric biomarkers is to be able to assist in diagnosis and screening by performing biomarker assays with a very small sample quantity. Some parameters require the establishment of specific standard values for different age groups, especially at puberty.